We have been shortlisted for the Innovation in Enforcement, CIVEA award!

Earlier this month, Dukes was nominated for four prestigious CIVEA awards including ‘Women in Enforcement’ and ‘Outstanding Enforcement Agent’, and the highly coveted ‘Innovation in Enforcement’ award which recognises pioneering innovation and technology solutions that are driving up industry standards. 

At Dukes, we pride ourselves on being a family business that dares to be different. With a young, dynamic team at the helm, we strive to continually improve our services and increasing our operational efficiencies. 

In the past 18 months, we’ve utilised cutting-edge technology to introduce groundbreaking innovations such as Visit Genius, our award-winning bespoke route-planning software, and Duke, our AI-powered chatbot. 

Visit Genius optimises our Enforcement Agents' daily routes using AI and machine learning, streamlining operations and enabling our Agents to focus on what they do best—helping individuals break free from debt. Meanwhile, Duke provides round-the-clock customer support at the touch of a button, expanding our accessibility and outreach to debtors of all demographics. 

Proudly, Duke is the first chatbot to exist in the enforcement industry, and Visit Genius is the first route-planning software to be used, tailored specifically for enforcement purposes. By integrating AI into our daily operations, we're leading the way, bringing Enforcement into the 21st century, and setting a new standard for the industry. 

We eagerly await the results of the award ceremony, which will take place on April 18th. For live updates during the event, be sure to follow our company's LinkedIn page.